Your Guide to Rodent Identification

As winter approaches and the temperatures continue to fall around miceCritter Control, more and more rodents will begin to seek shelter from the elements wherever they can – often in homes and office buildings. It’s estimated that over 21 million homes will be affected throughout the United States, so it’s important to know what to look for in case your home becomes affected.

Rodents are capable of spreading disease and inflicting serious property damage. Don’t let your family or home fall victim. Here’s a guide to help identify the most common rodent species:

Deer Mice

Deer mice are one of the most common rodent species in the country. They prefer more rural settings, but will seek shelter in homes during the colder winter months. Deer mice post a significant health threat, as they are the most common carrier of Hantavirus, which is transferred through inhaling air that has been contaminated by their urine or feces.

A great way to keep deer mice away is to make sure you store pet food and birdseed indoors, where it isn’t easily accessible.

House Mice

Another very common rodent species throughout the United States, the house mouse prefers the dark and secluded safety that structures like homes offer. These little critters have the potential to cause severe property damage by chewing through various materials. Additionally, house mice are known to spread diseases like salmonella, tapeworms, and the plague through fleas they often carry.

Keep clutter down in and around your home. House mice hide in cluttered areas, so giving them fewer places to nest will help keep them away.

Norway Rats

Commonly found in Critter Control, the Norway rat is often nocturnal and prefers to nest inside piles of garbage, or even underneath concrete slabs. This species of rodent generally starts to enter homes and other buildings during the fall, as this is when their natural food sources start to become scarce. Basements and attics are common indoor nesting areas for Norway rats.

The best way to keep rats away is to be vigilant. Keep an eye out for droppings, bite marks, or greasy spots caused by their oily fur.

If you’ve noticed any sort of rodent in or around your property, give the removal experts at Critter Control® a call. We’re happy to answer any questions, or to set you up with a free home consultation. Call us today at 888-617-5764.